Healthy aging is a challenge the IBE
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The coordinator of the Health and Biology of IBE, Professor Dr. Nogueira Célia Regina, Faculty of Medicine of UNESP, says that healthy aging is a concern of scientists around the world. "We all know that the population is aging, that the pyramid is changing and we need to do something," he says.
Celia explains that aging is a sub-axis of the central theme of the institute – Technology, Sustainability, Health and Social Development. "This is a topic of focus and study that also came as the axis of the first doctoral program of the IBE." Aging is one of the common themes between Brazil and Europe chosen by the institute.
To help people grow old with health and quality of life, the IBE will cientítica allies research, health and science and technology. Professor Celia Nogueira remembers that the work has started in 2011, when the IBE organized the 1st International Workshop on Aging in the Faculty of Medicine (FM), Botucatu. The event brought together scientists from around the world.
This year has already been made and webmetting video conference with the participation of the universities involved. The next step, according to Dr.. Celia is the development of a research project for the FP7 Framework Programme.
Data of aging
Predictions are that by 2050 there are more than 3 million people over 100 years old in the world. This trend is a challenge for science and public policy. In Brazil, the percentage of seniors has more than doubled in the last 50 years. The estimate of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) in 2025 is that Brazil has the sixth elderly population in absolute terms and in 2050, presents an age structure very similar to existing in France today. According to the European Union predicts that by 2050 the number of people over 65 years the EU will grow 70% and the number of people over 80 will increase by 170%.