Mauro Ferrari, o novo presidente do Conselho Europeu de Pesquisa (ERC), representará a organização no Fórum Econômico Mundial (WEF) deste ano em Davos, Suíça. Na 50ª edição da famosa cúpula, o ERC trará pesquisas pioneiras e as mais recentes descobertas científicas para as discussões, também graças a sete dos principais cientistas financiados pelo ERC.
Os palestrantes participarão de uma conferência de imprensa do ERC sobre mudança climática e de 8 sessões, incluindo uma do ERC Ideas Lab intitulado “A origem e o destino do nosso sistema solar”.
O presidente do ERC, Mauro Ferrari, participará da sessão transmitida ao vivo “The Global Science Outlook”.
BROCHURA: ERC programme and speakers at Davos 2020
Detalhes do evento
Início: 21 de Janeiro de 2020
Fim:24 de Janeiro de 2020
Website:World Economic Forum 2020
Localização:Davos, Suíça
Documentos Úteis: DAVOS-ERC_programme_speakers-2020.pdf
Agenda (horários de Brasília)
22 de Janeiro 5:00-5:30
Press Conference: Europe – leading the response to the climate emergency
Press Conference Room, Media Village
- Mariya GABRIEL, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education & Youth
- Mauro FERRARI, ERC President
- Johan ROCKSTRÖM, ERC grantee, climate change scientist
ERC grantees presentes na cúpula:
- Conny AERTS, KU Leuven (BE)
- Flemming BESENBACHER, Aarhus University, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Carlsberg A/S (DK)
- Johan ROCKSTRÖM, Executive Director at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (DE)
- Molly STEVENS, Imperial College (UK)
- Emma TEELING, Univerity college Dublin (IE)
- Ewine VAN DISHOECK, Leiden Univerity (NL)
- Martin VETTERLI, President of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (CH)
Sessões com palestrantes do ERC:
21 de Janeiro
05:00-06:15 | ERC Ideas Lab “The destiny of our solar system with the European Research Council”
ERC grantees Conny AERTS and Ewine VAN DISHOECK
Introduction: Mauro FERRARI, ERC President
Moderation: Brian SCHMIDT, Nobel Laureate and VC of Australian National University
09:30-10:00 | Ask About: Astrochemistry
with ERC grantee Ewine VAN DISHOECK
12:00-12:30 | Ask About: the Life and Death of Stars
with ERC grantee Conny AERTS
22 de Janeiro
05:15-05:45 | Bats and the Secret of Everlasting Youth
with ERC grantee Emma TEELING
12:00-12:30 | Biosensors and the Future of Diagnostics
with ERC grantee Molly STEVENS
13:15-14:00 | Feeding the Planet for the Future
with ERC grantee Johan ROCKSTRÖM
13:15-14:00 | The Global Science Outlook
with ERC President Mauro FERRARI amongst the speakers
23 de Janeiro
10:00-10:30 | Ask About: Biosensors
with ERC grantee Molly STEVENS
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Madeleine Drielsma
Assessora de Imprensa do Presidente do ERC: