EUBrasilCloudForum Concertation Meeting – 18th April 2018 Brasilia, Brazil
With the aim of forming a joint action plan with the EU-BR projects from the 4th collaborative call to collaborate on the future priorities of the EU-BR ICT research scenario, the EUBrasilCloudFORUM project promoted on 18 April 2018 in Brasilia the event Concertation Meeting.
All the ongoing projects were invited and presented their actions on cloud computing, 5G, IoT and other relevant ICT topics. The discussion focused on how the project's technical work and cross-border demonstrations will address / address issues such as protection of personal data, data flows, data portability, etc. The projects also provide information / evidence on the subject, results of their research, obstacles in these areas and recommendations for future research or policy actions.
The 5G_Range Project was represented by Prof. Moacyr Martucci from USP that gave an overview of the Project (4th call) emphasizing the challenges of bringing affordable Internet connectivity to remote areas which are not in the agendas of traditional commercial ISPs. The advent of 5G opens the path for technological innovations that can potentially close the market gap between urban and rural areas in Brazil, boosting not only social inclusion, but also the agribusiness industry.
In addition to the project participants, the following authorities participated: Maria Emilia M. Telles Walter DPI/UnB, Otávio Caixeta, SEPOD/MCTIC, Carlos Oliveira, European Delegation, Wanderson Paim, RNP/CTIC and Maria Tsakali, DG-CONNECT European Commision.