International Conference on Exploring Service Science 1.3
Services Sciences are not a cosmetic change of existing things. Introduced by IBM in 2002, this domain has now emerged and matured in a true trans-disciplinary atmosphere. Encompassing disciplines not only in management and engineering, it also draws from fields such as social and cognitive sciences, law, ethics, economics etc. to address the theoretical and practical aspects of the challenging service industry and its economy. Services Sciences leverage methods, results and knowledge stemming from these disciplines towards the development of its own concepts, methods, techniques and approaches thus creating the basis for true trans-disciplinary gatherings and the production of trans-disciplinary results.
Services Sciences are building a concrete framework for trans-disciplinary purposes. Thus "service" must be understood in this conference with its multiple facets: economic, organizational, human, collective, ontological, regulatory, secure, trustworthy, and implemented by means of informatics. Sometimes we call it informational service to differentiate its restricted meanings in various domains like Economy or Informatics.
The goal of the second conference is to build upon this growing community to further study and understand this emerging discipline. Academics, researchers and practitioners of all disciplines are expected to contribute their results and approaches to Service Science in a trans-disciplinary setting. Due to the novelty of the domain, the conference will have a special configuration trying to organize sessions involving contributions from different contexts.
The main idea is to bring together contributors from different disciplines working on overlapping knowledge. – Paper sessions and plenary sessions (keynotes, reports). – Conference will run for 2.5 days, including a Societal Forum during the last half day bringing together all participants alike (industrial, academic, political, etc.) To stimulate interdisciplinary exchanges, all attendees will be provided with clearly identifiable color badges indicating their disciplines and interests.